Saturday, January 29, 2011

Vante has a Sweet Tooth

This afternoon I was enjoying a peppermint stick and next thing I know... Vante is enjoying it too!

I let her enjoy it long enough to take this photo, then into the trash it went.
 (Don't worry, she didn't get sick.  She's currently napping off her sugar rush.)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Top 5 Cat Toxins during 2010

Vante is doing great.  She's worked out a timeshare of my bed (it's now hers) and the sunny spots in her room (they currently belong mostly to Amelia, my 7-year-old black cat).  No doors are ever closed in our house and while there is still growling, there aren't any fights or squabbles.  YEAH!

A new article just came out about the top 5 reasons that people called into the Pet Poison Hotline in 2010. 

Top 5 cat toxins of 2010

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A+ Dental Cleaning

Yesterday morning Vante had her annual dental cleaning, blood-work and physical at the vet clinic. 

The blood-work came back with no problems.

She had some tartar and buildup on her teeth that they cleaned up but she didn't need to have any teeth pulled.

The vet assistant who spoke to me told me that she was very vocal and irritable in her cage.  Apparently it wasn't to her liking - neither was the vet clinic's live-in cat.  The good news is that she was all talk; she wasn't mean or aggressive towards the staff (thank-goodness).

So, I breathed a sigh of relief and picked her up from the vet's office before 3 p.m.  She spent the evening napping in her favorite box on top of the bookcase and hanging out with my husband while he played StarCraft. 

This morning I removed the bandage from the spot where she had her IV (she had a hematoma there & the bandage needed to remain in place overnight) and her back foot was TWICE the size it should have been!
Apparently that is  normal and it will go back to normal size shortly, according to my vet.  Thank-goodness!

So Vante is doing great, we've rearranged her room and changed out some of the furniture & she seems to love it.  Especially since she now has more sun spots to lay in, meeting her New Years Resolution to take time to enjoy sunny spots. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Vante and I want to wish everybody a very Happy New Year.

May 2011 be filled with simple pleasures like naps & sun spots.