But what to my wondering eyes should appear but a little Vante spreading Vante-style cheer. She dashed through the living room and ran to the tree. Then what did she do but bat at the ornaments with glee. But soon that no longer held wonder, so she circled the tree.
Then she chased the red laser dot no fheer. She chased it ... over chair, over sofa, over Aunty and then into the hall. Then finally she caught it between the TV and the wall. That silly red dot was jeering her on and she took one last pounce and poof - it was gone!
There were many more things to do before Santa came, so Vante she moved onto her next kitty game.
Aunty pulled out her favorite ribbon and watch-out! Vante would soon be pouncing about. She chased and she batted that ribbon with fury. Then she took it and bit it to show it who's boss. Then finally the ribbon gave up its fight.
Vante soon nestled snug in her bed and would soon have visions of catnip playthings dancing in her head. There would be ribbon and paper and sparkly things galore.... but she took one last second before she drifted off to sleep:
"Merry Catmus to all and to all a Good Night!"
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