Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Vante had a great Christmas! 

She started off early and terrorized her little sisters by swatting at them unnecessarily. 

After a 30 minute time-out in her room she was allowed out again & we opened presents.  She was fascinated by the whole ordeal, as always.  She loved the wrapping paper but the bows & ribbons are where it's at for this little Torbi-tude.  She sniffed the bows, tried to chew on them but really sank her teeth into the ribbons & strings that decorated the presents.  Luckily nothing except for food was ingested Christmas day to the best of our knowledge. 

We tried to capture her spirit in these photos to share with you, but as you can see, she's a free spirit.  The camera just can't keep up with her!

So please excuse the bits of blur and the amature camera skills that I possess.  Just understand that Vante had a great Christmas w/lots of cat treats, balls, cat-nip playthings and warm spots to lay in. 
Biting the Kong Kickaroo; I have a feeling it's going to be a favorite!

She just can't resist the shiny bows & ribbons.

After an attempted ribbon nomming session, we managed to tame the Torbi for a few seconds.

Probably trying to decide what kind of trouble to get into next.

I hope ya'll had a great Christmas with your human, dog, fish, bird & cat families!
Travel safely & Happy New Year!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!

Vante got into the Christmas spirit (with a little coercion). 
Vante was relaxing on the chair by the fireplace & I tucked her in with the Christmas costume.

She was fine with it.

Still fine with it.

Then she changed her mind & was NOT fine with it.

Then she resigned herself & channeled her inner Christmas spirit (Grinch/Grumpy Cat) for the photo shoot.

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

(Early) Merry Catmas!

Vante & I hope that everybody had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that there was lots of turkey on your plate.  Vante is doing great; she's healthy and just as ornery and yet sweet as ever. 

Vante has come a long way in the 4 years since she joined our household.  Look at how close she is to her littlest sister, Callie Mae in the photo below.  And there was no hissing or growling, just looking.  I'm so proud of Miss V.

As a late birthday gift (she turned 17 this July) we got her an upgraded Happy Brushing brush.  It's round, so we can just hold it still & she can use it, bit it and brush herself however & wherever she wants.  Here is a video of her thoroughly enjoying her new Happy Brush. 
I've got a ton of new photos that I'll slowly start posting of her.  I'm sorry that I've been negligent of her blog recently.