Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween

Vante has been struggling with her Halloween costume, but here were her options.

Costume 1: Witch

(That is not a happy face and that stayed on her head for less than 45 seconds.)

Costume 2: Bat

(This costume was even worse.  She tried to eat it and may have succeeded but I intervened.)

At this point I thought Vante didn't want to celebrate Halloween, but then, after looking over the photos I realized that she had her own ideas...

Costume 3: Pirate

Arrrgh!  We have a winner!
Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

National Cat Day

It's National Cat Day!

What does that mean, you ask.  Well, I'm not exactly sure but the title sounds promising!  I've done some rudimentary research (aka Googling) and here is what I found out.  Apparently it's the day prior to Halloween for a reason - to take advantage of reminding folks to keep their cats safe on Halloween, celebrate the ancient folk tales about witches turning themselves into cats, and just to show how much we love our cats.
National Cat Day Web site
Cat Day Story

I would like to gently remind everybody that Saturday is Halloween.  Please keep your beloved cats (and dogs) inside or closely watch them while they're outside.  This is one of the more dangerous times of the year for our furry friends.  Stay safe!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Odds & Ends

Check out this blog by Drs. Foster and Smith.  They have blogs for many animals, check it out.
Cat Blog

Here is the link to Best Friends Animal Society Cat Library with advice on handling any and every issue.  I just found it and am following its advice to help Vante, Callie Mae and Amelia get along.  They have libraries for lots of other animals too.
Cat Library

I've made several small quilts for the Nevada SPCA cattery and somebody from my quilting guild donated two pillows filled with selvage (leftover ends and odds of fabric).  I dropped them off last week and here are two photos of the kitties enjoying their new pillows and quilts.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Adoption Finalized

Vante is now Vante Norris!

Last week I emailed back and forth with Mark from the cat adoption center at Best Friends and we decided to make Vante's adoption final.  Today Lezlie came and picked up the paperwork, so Vante is now officially adopted!

I was given a lot of advice and warning before I took Vante home.  I think everybody loves Vante & wanted to make sure I knew what was in store when I took her home.  That is why I originally went with the foster to adopt option.  I wasn't sure how things would go with my other two cats.  And while Vante may be grumpy and have difficulty playing with others, she's OUR grumpy girl and home to stay.  I would miss her terribly if she left. 

We both love this rotten little girl who jumps up on the counter, is a messy eater, walks across the keyboard, and plays on (and with) my quilting fabric.  Every morning and night when she curls up in a ball on our laps and purrs up a storm, meling our hearts. She's home to stay.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cats are Lactose Intolerant

I am writing to confirm that cats are lactose intolerant.  Vante, the little sneak that she is, has proven that to me twice now.  She apparently has a drinking problem. 

Let me explain: I put a bowl of leftover cereal milk on the table and she has drank her fill three times now.  I stopped her short the second time, but yet it was enough to make her hurl.  Poor Vante.  Needless to say, I'm more careful with where I leave my cereal milk these days.  Here is the photographic proof of her drinking problem. 

(As for the photo of her drinking, the camera was literally sitting next to me and I took three quick photos and then shooed her away.)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Integrating an ailurophobic cat

Integrating a cat that is an ailurophobic cat with two other cats isn't easy, quick or very much fun.  Slowly but surely we're at it again; letting out all three cats out to wander, see each other, hiss and growl for several hours a day.  We're trying positive reinforcement with a renewed vigor.  That means that when the cats are around each other we're showering them with attention and brushing.  Hopefully they'll catch on that good things happen when they're around each other.  As Martha would say, "It's a good thing."

Today is National Feral Cat Day and unfortunately nothing is happening to commemorate this day in Nevada.  What a shame because we have our share of feral cats in Las Vegas.  If you keep up with the Best Friends' Focus on Felines campaign you've heard about the colonies living in one of the local casino parking garages.  Kudos to that casino for doing the right thing.  Want to find out if something is happening in your neck of the woods, then go to National Feral Cat Day

However there are several events coming up in the next month that will help raise money for our local non-profits and rescues.  Here is the next one.
24 Oct - C.A.T.S. & FLOCK yard & bake sale - 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at 5131 Kell Lane in Las Vegas
              C.A.T.S. is the only pet food bank in Las Vegas.
              FLOCK helps put cats and kittens in loving homes.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Celebrate Squirrel Awareness Week

Apparently this is squirrel awareness week.  In an effort to educate and make Vante more aware of squirrels we explored the backyard again last night.  However, we do live in Las Vegas and our biggest tree is the size of my wrist.  So, after 5 minutes of no squirrels, chipmunks, or even mice (thank-goodness), she decided she was good and ready to go inside and walked herself to the back door.  Maybe we'll have squirrels at our next house Vante... 

There are several important dates coming up...
16 Oct. - National Feral Cat Day
For more information and ideas on how to celebrate go to: National Feral Cat Day
23-25 Oct. - No More Homeless Pets National Conference (Vante is their poster-cat)
To register online go to: No More Homeless Pets National Conference

On the silly side...
This week is squirrel awareness week.
Next week is Wildlife week.
21 Oct. - Reptile Awareness Day
26 Oct. - Mule Day

And sorry to say we missed celebrating...
4 Oct. - World Day for Animals (World Animal Day)
2 Oct. - World Farm Animal Day
1 Oct. - Fire Pup Day

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Black Dog (and Cat) Syndrome

I've heard of the Black Dog/Cat Syndrome before.  This is where black dogs (usually larger, lab-sized) and cats, because of their black color, are the last animals to be picked out for adoption.  The theory goes that humans are drawn to lighter-colors, black animals' faces don't photograph well, plus old superstitions about black cats... so put those ideas together and black animals just aren't being taken home. 

Well, ABC news did a story yesterday on this and how a shelter in Raleigh, NC is combating this problem.  They are putting superhero capes on their black felines and having a 'blue-light special' to highlight their black dogs.  They're offering a discounted adoption rate in entice potential pet parents to look at their black boarders.

 It's a great article and worth a few moments of your time.  Great brainstorming on the shelter's part.  Here is a link to the story, enjoy. 

Friday, October 9, 2009

Thai Massage Therapist

Vante is apparently a Thai massage therapist in training.  My husband was giving me a massage last night when she decided I looked like a good place to sit down.  So she walked on my back, sat down and after several minutes (yes, several minutes) she decided to lay down.  I sent my husband to get the camera because it was just too funny. 

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Heart of a Warrior

Vante is so brave and fearless.  It's no wonder she reigned over her room at the Colonel's Barracks.  After almost three months of living with me and my husband, Vante is not afraid of the vacuum, and I think I've only busted it out a dozen times since she came to live with us.  I can actually vacuum within a foot of her and she won't move.  She'll just look at the vacuum and not move.  I find that amazing - Vante has the heart of a warrior. 

As for progress with her sisters that is painfully slow, but we're doing it for a reason.  Last time we tried to get her accustomed to them she ended up urinating all over the bed and we don't want that again.  (She lives in the guest bedroom and we want our guests to not be afraid to sleep there.)  So we're slowly letting all 3 cats spend time together but making sure that our other 2 cats don't go into her room.  That's her territory and we want it to stay that way.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Halloween Spirit

Besides yowling and hissing at her sisters, Vante is doing great.  She's even climbing on my shoulders.  The other day she was very interested in my ironing and the noise that the steam was making.  So much so, that she ended up on my shoulders while I ironed - weird and a bit awkward but she seemed to completely enjoy herself. 

Vante found some Halloween spirit earlier today and it wore her out, so she took a nap under my halloween quilt.  Ain't she a cutie!

We're still having a blast and I don't regret bringing Vante home to join our family.